Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

учитель математики

On Quality of Training Bachelors and Post-graduate Students of Pedagogical Education (Mathematical Education)

The article notes a sharp drop in the level of general mathematical culture of school graduates, their mathematical illiteracy. The reforms of higher education carried out during the last quarter of the century, which led to a decline in the level of training of future teachers of mathematics for secondary schools (now called bachelors and masters of pedagogical education), contributed to this in no small measure.

To Teach Logic to Prospective Mathematics Teachers (part I)

The article discusses the problem of formation of logical competences of future mathematics teachers both at the undergraduate and graduate levels. In this case, the logic is considered in three aspects – classical Aristotelian logic, modern mathematical logic and its application to Aristotelian logic, non-classical logics.

To Teach Logic to Prospective Mathematics Teachers (part II)

The article is the second part of the author’s article under the same title, published in the previous issue of this journal. The article discusses the problem of formation of logical competences of future teachers of mathematics both at the level of bachelor’s degree and at the level of master’s degree. In the article, logic is considered in three aspects – classical Aristotelian logic, modern mathematical logic and its application to Aristotelian logic and non-classical logics.

To teach logic to prospective mathematics teachers (Part III)

Introduction. The article is the third part of the author’s article under the same title published in previous issues of this journal. It discusses the problem of forming the logical competencies of future mathematics teachers both at the undergraduate level and at the master’s level. Theoretical analysis. In this case, logic is considered in three aspects – classical Aristotelian logic, modern mathematical logic and its application to Aristotelian logic, non-classical logics.

The Model of Formation of Readiness of a Future Math Teacher to the Realization of Additional Math Education of Pupils

The article deals with one of the guestions, concerning with the problem of formation of readiness of a future math teacher to the realization of additional math education of pupils – the model of formation of readiness.