Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)


Methods and forms of education of a modern student

Introduction. At present, with the priority of education in the country’s public policy, it is important to analyze existing approaches to the categories of methods and forms of education. Theoretical analysis allows us to see contradictions in the interpretation of these concepts. Comparative analysis makes it possible to identify significant guidelines for the teacher in choosing methods and forms of education in working with children, and to highlight the most significant positions.


Статья  посвящена  проблеме  подготовки  будущих  учителей 
начальной  школы,  раскрытию  сущности  понятий  «самостоя-
тельная  работа»,  «индивидуальная  работа  студента»;  освеще-
ны  педагогические,  психологические  взгляды  на  проблему; 
определены  условия  формирования  и  развития  студента  для 
осуществления самостоятельной работы, доказана важность и 
необходимость  формирования  готовности  к  самостоятельной 
работе будущего учителя начальных классов в профессиональ-

Development Conflictologist Teacher

The article is devoted to the development of conflictological teacher. Examines the causes and contradictions are analyzed for the emergence of conflicts in the educational environment on the basis of which actualized the leading role of the teacher in the process of being solved. Focuses on the characteristics of the types of resilience, a system that can be considered as con-flytothefinish teacher.

Severity of self-regulation processes in teachers with different types of professional self-attitude

The article, based on the presented empirical material, reveals the problem of professional self-attitude and its types among teachers with different levels of expression of conscious self-regulation. The study covered 157 teachers of comprehensive schools of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug – Ugra. The age of the examined is from 31 to 45 years. We used the technique “Attitude to yourself as a professional” and the questionnaire “Style of self-regulation of behavior”.

Formation of positive motivation in teaching conservatory students through Enlightening projects

Introduction. The problem of teaching motivation is a key one in psychological and pedagogical science. Positive motivation determines the trajectory of a student’s development throughout the entire educational activity. If students lack cognitive interests, motives to learn, develop, and improve then in the future it is difficult for such young people to become competitive specialists. Theoretical analysis.