Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)


Тема калокагатии в творчестве Ф.М. Достоевского

Введение. Наследие великого писателя XIX века Ф.М. Достоевского изучено детально. В данной работе предпринят анализ, покрывающий понятие калокагатии: рассмотрен вопрос представления данной категории в эпоху античности, ее трансформации и представление связанных каузально внешнего и внутреннего в творчестве писателя. С этой целью использованы такие методы исследования, как герменевтика, синтез, контекстуальный и компаративный анализ. Данная проблема, являющаяся непреходящей, видится актуальной и на современном этапе развития научного знания. Теоретический анализ.


Статья посвящена философскому анализу природы и структуры 
поля морали, а также механизма влияния конфликта на форми-
рование  этических  норм.  Рассмотрены  философско-этические 
позиции представителей древнекитайской философской мысли, 
Античности,  И.  Канта,  Л.  Фуллера,  А.  Бадью.  В  рамках  статьи 
предлагается классификация основных типов морали по ее гене-
зису – априорного, опирающегося на идею навязывания обще-
ству моральных норм извне, и апостериорного, принимающего 

Social Philosophy of Hannah Arendt: Political and Ethic Aspects

The paper is devoted to the analysis of political, ethical and existential
grounds of a man’s being in the social philosophy of Hannah Arendt.
Actually her philosophy can be considered the political philosophy and
thus it focuses on historical perception of society in its human dimension
from the Ancient Greeks to modern Europe. The basic concepts of the philosophy of Arendt – «freedom» and «deprivation of freedom». It is
about the origins of total domination, about the need to overcome its


Статья  посвящена  анализу  политических,  этических  и  педаго-
гических  оснований  бытия  человека  в  социальной  философии 
М. Шелера. Являясь по своей сути антропологической, эта фило-
софия  направлена  на  историческое  восприятие  европейского 
общества  в  его  социально-феноменологическом  измерении. 
Понятия «человек», «жизнь», «политика», «война», «образование»  
раскрывают социально-политические истоки антропологического 
поворота Шелера в философии. Речь идет о необходимости рас-

Professional-Ethical Culture of Personality

Theoretical analysis of «professional-ethical culture of personality» notion within the bounds of activity, axiological and personal approaches is made. Correlation between profession and ethics is elicited. It is underlined that ethics is the core of professional culture.

The Problem of the Meaning of Life in the Philosophy of the Confucius

This article deals with some fundamental aspects of the philosophical ideas of the great Chinese thinker the Confucius. The author of the article tries to explore the Confuciuss views according to the circle of philosophical problems of the sense of life.

About the Question of Actuality of Philosophy: G. E. Moore and Global Challenges of Modernity

The question of actuality of philosophy for humanity in XXI-th century is examined in the article. The role of philosophy consists in the search of methods and styles of reasoning which allow the man to make decisions in new and unusual for him terms. In works of representative of analytical philosophy G.E. Moore the search for interrelation between intuition and mind as the sources of human actions is carried out. Actuality of Moores philosophy consists in the special method of reasoning which gives a glance on preconditions of human acts from a new side.

The Problem of Morality in the Philosophical Conception of H. Lanz

In the article the ethical component of the philosophical concept of Henry Lanz is considered. Being the representative of the «young» generation of the Russian Neo-Kantianism, Lanz contemplates an immortality problem as a problem that has the substantiation in ethics and he incorporates Neo-Kantian duality into the concept of immortality.

World Risk Society in Ulrich Beck’s Political Philosophy: Logic and Irony

The paper is devoted to the analysis of world risk society in the social philosophy of Ulrich Beck. Actually her philosophy can be considered the political philosophy and thus it focuses on historical perception of risk society and revealing of its new features in the modern era. The article considers innovations that distinguish the world society of risk from the previous society of modern and postmodern risk: the difference between risk and catastrophe, risk and cultural judgments about risk.

Сivilization Approach: Historical and Philosophical Analysis of the Methodological Resource

The article is devoted to the analysis of the methodological resource of the civilization approach at the modern stage of the historical process. Taking into account the categorical development of the concept of civilization, the author focuses on two groups of socio-cultural characteristics: unique and universal. The unique characteristic reflects the distinctive, special and original features of a certain historical type of society that is being studied in social and cultural aspects.
