Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)


Philosophical Background of Successful Patriotic Education

The article discusses the philosophical background of successful patriotic education, which is fundamental, not related to the sociocultural situation. The relevance of the issue arises from the need to formulate methodology for patriotic education, which optimizes efforts for developing and implementing specific programs of patriotic education. It is also necessary at a fundamental level to resolve the dispute between supporters and opponents of the objectivity and a positive role of patriotic education for society and the individual.

Mental Foundations of the Cultural Specificity of Eastern Christian Civilization

The article considers the mental foundations of the cultural specificity of the Eastern Christian civilization based on the cultural-historical method. The purpose of the article is to clarify the historical model which formed the mental differences between Western European and Russian cultures. It is shown that the roots of the civilizational division of Europe into Western and Eastern ones are largely determined by the special way in which “barbarian” ethnic groups were attached to the Christian and ancient traditions.

Philosophy of O. F. Bollnow: it’s Social, Ethic and Existential Aspects

The paper is devoted to the analysis of ethical and existential grounds of a man’s social being through the philosophy of O. F. Bollnow. Actually his philosophy can be considered as the positive existentialism and thus it focuses on positive perception of society and history in their human dimension. The basic concept of the philosophy of Bolnow is «humanity». What is meant is the struggling through sense of danger, fear and vulnerability in risky environment of the modern civilization.

The value and semantic meaning of the Motherland in A. S. Panarin’s book “Orthodox civilization in the global world”: A philosophical analysis

Introduction. The article examines the book by A. S. Panarin “Orthodox civilization in the global world” as a source of understanding the essence of the Motherland, its place in the system of values. The relevance of addressing this issue is obvious in connection with the changes taking place both in Russia and in the world, the need to overcome the crisis and implement a different model of development based on objective values. Theoretical analysis. The appeal to the work of A. S.