Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)



Статья  посвящена  вопросам  непрерывного  реформирования 
высшего технического образования. Для определения направ-
лений  реформирования  осуществляется  построение  научно 
обоснованной  модели  процесса  обучения.  При  этом  процесс 
обучения анализируется как педагогическая система, строится 
компетентностная модель инженера, все составляющие педа-
гогической системы рассматриваются с позиции оптимизации 
образовательного процесса. Проведенное модельное исследо-

Pedagogical Innovations in a Context of Development of University Education

The article is devoted to one of the actual problems of modernization of university education in Russia. The ways of realization and effective introduction of innovative technologies of education are defined in it.

On the Issue of Professional Standards in the Field of Tourism

The problem of the correspondence of professional and educational standards today is extremely urgent. The need of developing the new professional standards is caused by the adoption of the renovated educational standards, which must reflect the requirements of educational establishments, control elements of formation and employers.

On the motivation for using the project-based learning method

The article deals with the problems of implementing the project-based learning method in professional education. The aim of the study is to identify the key factors hindering the full use of the method in educational practice. The research methodology is based on a systematic approach and includes methods of description, comparison, comparative analysis, and generalization. The project-based learning method fully meets the objectives of the competence-based approach in professional education.

Model of Effective Manager in Frame of Dynamic Leadership Concept

This research is dedicated to a problem of leadership effectiveness in the context of changing social situation. As part of the research generalized competency model «20 dimensions» was created. Results of comparing «20 dimensions» to three popular Western models demonstrated that despite significant similarities between these models, several competencies crucial to defining the success of a manager in Russia are not in demand abroad.

State Final Certification in the Context of Realization of Federal State Educational Standard

State Final Certification acquires particular importance in the context of modernization of higher professional education and the introduction of federal state education standards. The article suggests some methods and forms of examination of the level of professional and general cultural competences among the graduates of higher education institutions at the final stage of education.

Formation of critical thinking components in cadets in the process of learning Russian as a foreign language

Introduction. One of the tasks of modern education is the formation of the competencies of the «Systemic and Critical Thinking» group. Theoretical analysis. The article reveals the meaning of the concept of critical thinking, highlights its components and substantiates the significance of the development of this thinking in the cadets of the preparatory course, since it is during this period that the skills of working with scientific literature written in Russian are laid. Empirical analysis.