For citation:
Frolova S. V. Eco-sensitivity: Phenomenological and differential analysis . Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2024, vol. 24, iss. 4, pp. 446-451. DOI: 10.18500/1819-7671-2024-24-4-446-451, EDN: UBBKQO
Eco-sensitivity: Phenomenological and differential analysis
The introduction provides the rationale for the topicality of phenomenological and differential analysis of a person’s general sensitivity ability. The content, form and degree of a person’s susceptibility can change when existential life-threatening situations arise and digitalization increases. The theoretical analysis of the subject matter of sensitivity made it possible to reveal a partly contradictory variety of applications of its key category and formulate research objectives of arranging, classifying and describing various types of sensitivity through identifying various systematizing criteria. The section that focuses on the phenomenological analysis of the subject matter of ego-sensitivity and eco-sensitivity suggests differentiating two generalized types of a personality’s sensitivity that can be identified based on the essential criterion of expansion / narrowing of consciousness, that enhances / sets a limit on personal development, going beyond the self-absorbed bodily “I”, overcoming obstacles of egocentric and selfish fixation on one’s poorly controlled hedonistic desires and striving for the spiritual “I”. The author proposes definitions of ego-sensitivity and eco-sensitivity. The article focuses on the role that eco-sensitivity plays in forming the capabilities of self-transcendence, eco-consciousness, personality’s emotional ecological safety, potential of mental health and building harmonious relationships. The conclusion outlines the results of the phenomenological analysis of eco-sensitivity and the prospects for its further study.
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