Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

positive psychological counseling

Eco-sensitivity: Phenomenological and differential analysis

The introduction provides the rationale for the topicality of phenomenological and differential analysis of a person’s general sensitivity ability. The content, form and degree of a person’s susceptibility can change when existential life-threatening situations arise and digitalization increases.

Positive psychological counseling: Theoretical bases and methodological foundations

The paper gives grounds for designing a new creative model of positive psychological counseling that focuses on developmental and preventive objectives rather than on correctional ones. These developmental and preventive objectives include actualization and transformation of personality resources, optimization of productivity and full personality potential, and tackling them helps overcome normative difficulties, achieve important life goals, implement inmost values and increase subjective well-being.

Personality’s emotional ecological safety: Phenomenological analysis and research prospects

The introduction describes intrascientific and sociocultural factors that determine the difficulties of studying research problems of psychology of a personality’s emotional sphere, and highlights its insufficiently studied issues. The solution to these issues may offer new prospects of the development of fundamental and applied knowledge of the essence of human nature. The author suggests examining a personality’s ecological safety in expressing and controlling feelings as one of the heuristic objectives.