Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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V. I. Charnolusky about Reforming of the System of Russian Education (Based on Publications 1906–1912)

Pozdnyakov Alexander N., Saratov State University

The article is devoted to the analysis of the ideas about reforming the Russian education system put forward by a prominent member of socio-pedagogical movement, V. I. Charnolusky in his works, published in 1906–1912. The author was a supporter of democratic reforms aimed at reforming the public education system on a fundamentally new for Russia foundations. The basic idea of V. I. Charnolusky was the changing role of the state in education. The emphasis was on the problems of government decentralization, greater attention was paid to the expansion of private initiative. Democratization of school affairs assumed granting broad rights and freedoms to teachers. Radically had to change the nature of the school management.


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2. Fedorova N. M. O gosudarstvenno-obshchestvennom upravlenii obrazovaniem v rabote V. I. Charnoluskogo «Kultura sotsialnoy lichnosti» (Of state-public management education in the V. I. V. I. Charnolusky «Culture of the social personality»). Vestn. un-ta Ros. akadem obrazovaniya (Bulletin of the University of the Russian Academy of education), 2007, no. 4, pp. 41-44.

3. Grankina I. I. Vklad V. I. Charnoluskogo v razvitie voprosa podgotovki personala dlya obshchedostupnykh bibliotek (The contribution of V. I. Charnolusky further to the issue of personnel training for public libraries). Formirovanie regionalnoy kul’turnoy politiki v kontekste modernizatsii obrazovaniya: materialy mezhdunar. nauch.-prakt. konf. (The formation of regional cultural policy in the context of education modernization: Proceedings of the International scienti? c and practical conference). Orel, 2014. pp. 69-71.

4. Charnoluskiy V.  Itogi obshchestvennoy mysli v oblasti obrazovaniya (The results of social thought in education). St.-Petersburg, 1906. 79 p.

5. Charnoluskiy V. I. K shkol’noy reforme (To school reform). Moscow, 1908. 72 p.

6. Charnoluskiy V. Osnovnye voprosy organizatsii shkoly v Rossii (The basic organization of schools in Russia). St.Petersburg, 1909. 131 p.

7. Charnoluskiy V. Zemstvo I narodnoe obrazovanie: v 2 ch. (The Zemstvo and public education: in 2 parts). St.-Petersburg, 1910-1911. 187 p.

8. Charnoluskiy V. Voprosy narodnogo obrazovaniya na pervom obshchezemskom s’’ezde (The issues of public education in the ? rst common Zemsky Congress). St.-Petersburg, 1912. 180 p.