Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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Sense-making Work Motives of Women and Men

Prokhorova Maria V., Nizhny Novgorod State University. NI Lobachevsky

The results of empirical investigation of peculiarities of sense-making motives and meaningful orientation of labor activity of women (n = 67; 19–59 years old) and men (n = 67; 18–57 years old), which has been conducted with the use of «Vocabulary» psychodiagnostic methodics, are provided. Non-parametric U Mann–Whitney test and cluster analysis were utilized for the data processing. It is stated, that there are differences between women and men in realization of the following sense-making work motives: utility, cooperation, competition, achievement. The hierarchy of sense-making motives of women and men has different structure. Predominant work motives in women are utility and cooperation, and ones in men are competition and achievements. Motives of achievements and transformation compose the second level in the referenced hierarchy in women; motives of cooperation, utility and transformation constitute in men. The least significant sense-making work motives, which compile the third level, are: in women – competition and communication; in men – communication. The meaningful orientations of work have the equal expressiveness and similar hierarchy, where there is significant predominance of the resulting orientation over the processual one both in the women’s sampling and in the men’s one.


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