Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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Social Practicians of Criminal Domination: Features of Involvement of the Personality in Criminal Activity

Romanova Natalia Mikhailovna, Saratov State University

The article shows that under the conditions of a transforming society, social instability in Russian society, deviant social practices are expanding. It is emphasized that in parallel with these new opportunities for the individual in terms of antisocial and antisocial ways of self-realization. The relevance of the research is revealed in connection with the emergence of new social determinants of involving the individual in criminal activity. It is emphasized that social practices of criminal domination are a particular danger. It is noted that the connection with this, the trajectories are changing and the determinants of the person’s involvement in criminal activities are expanding. The definition of the concept of «criminal domination» is given. Disclosures of signs of modification of the national criminal subculture and socio-psychological mechanisms of involving the individual in criminal activity in the conditions of the criminal practices. The latter are regarded as conditioned by the processes of self-determination. At the same time, a person involved in a crime is both a subject and an object of involvement (self-involvement). It is shown that the study of criminal social practices necessary to curb the risks of criminal behavior, expand and reproduce crime, develop effective measures to combat the spread of new forms of social practices in Russian society.


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