Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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About Features of S. Н. Bulgakov's Philosophical Outlook

Tabachenko Andrey A., Kostroma State University

The article is devoted to the consideration of the features of the philosophical worldview of S. N. Bulgakov – a representative of Russian religious philosophy of the turn of the XIX – early XX centuries in the context of the cultural and historical and socio-political realities of the time and the established traditions, trends characteristic of Russian philosophy. On the whole, the understanding of the philosopher’s philosophical creativity is not possible without knowing the main coordinates of his worldview. The evolution and stages of the development of the philosophical outlook are analyzed, as well as the historical and philosophical totality of journalistic works included in the original philosophical system of S. N. Bulgakov. The author analyzes autobiographical materials and a block of philosophical works, where not only the main stages of life are considered, but also philosophical problems. The influence of German classical philosophy and representatives of the idealistic trend of Russian philosophical thought on the philosophy of the philosopher is noted. Particular attention is focused on the influence of the philosophy of Marxism in the formation of the worldview and such concepts, categories as the social ideal, all-unity, sophiology, in the basis of which the philosopher sees religious-metaphysical grounds. In addition, the article analyzes the influence of the philosophy of unity of Vl. Solovyov, as well as points of view and analysis of the philosophical creativity of contemporaries S. Bulgakov.


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2. Bulgakov S. N. Osnovnyye problemy teorii progressa (The main problems of the theory of progress). In: Bulgakov S. N. Problemy idealizma (The problems of idealism). Moscow, 1902. Available at: http://www.vehi. net/bulgakov/progress.html (accessed 18 October 2017) (in Russian).

3. Zenkovskiy V. V. Istoriya russkoy fi losofi i [History of Russian philosophy]. Moscow, 2001. 880 p. (in Russian).

4. Zenkovskiy V. V. Russkie myisliteli i Evropa [Russian thinkers and Europe]. Moscow, 2005. 368 p. (in Russian).

5. Berdyaev N. A. Russkaya ideya [Russian idea]. In: Berdyaev N.A. Samopoznanie: soch. [Self-knowledge: Compositions]. Moscow, 2001, pp.11–248 (in Russian).

6. Florovskiy G. V. Puti russkogo bogosloviya [Ways of Russian theology]. Paris, 1988. 603 p. (in Russian).

7. Zander L. A. Bog i Mir. Mirosozertsanie S. N. Bulgakova: v 2 t. [God and Peace. The worldview of S. N. Bulgakova: in 2 vols.]. Paris, 1948, vol. 1. 479 p. (in Russian).