Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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Problem Body-being in Russian Philosophical Tradition

Maslov Roman Vladimirovich, Saratov State University

According to Russian religious philosophy the Human is the unique essence arising on crossing of two worlds – natural and spiritual. He is initially spiritual-body-being; the Human is included in the order of the nature and the point of this including is sex; the Human is transformation, updating of the sex; the Human is a loving being. The love is a manifestation of individuality, the statement of the eternal, the immortal in the person.

Key words: 

1 Florensky P. A. Memoirs / Literary studies. 1988. No. 6. C. 119.

2 ibid. P. 132.

3 Florensky P. A. the Imaginary in geometry. M., 1991. C. 60.

4 ibid. C. 61.

5 Florensky p. A. Memories of past years. M., 1992. C. 174-175.

6 P. A. Florensky Names: Vol. M., 1998. P. 216.

7 Podoroga V. A. the Phenomenology of the body. Introduction to Philo - sophic anthropology. M., 1995. C. 171.

8 Florensky P. A. the Pillar and ground of the truth. M., 1914. C. 636.

9 Florensky P. A. the Imaginary in geometry. S. 51.

10 horuzhiy S. S. Rod or crop failure. Notes to the ontology of virtuality / / Vopr.philosophies. 1997. No. 6. C. 54.

11 P. A. Florensky Names. P. 193.

12 ibid. P. 141.

13 ibid. P. 225.

14 ibid. S. 224.

15 Florensky P. A. Memories. C. 159.

16 Florensky P. A. the Pillar and ground of the truth. C. 175.

17 ibid. C. 266.

18 ibid. C. 535-537.

19 Frank S. L. the Soul of man. The experience of the introduction of philosopher - ical psychology // the Reality and people. M., 1977.

20 Cm.: Frank S. L. The Decree. Op. C. 202.

21 ibid. P. 185.

22 ibid. C. 186.

23 ibid. P. 197.

24 ibid. C. 204.

25 Rosanov V. Family question in Russia: in 2 so-SPb., 1903. Vol.1. Pp. 73, 206 .

26 Russian Eros or philosophy of love in Russia. M.,1991. S. 145.

27 See: Berdyaev N. Ah. About appointment rights. M., 1993. P. 73.

28 Cm.: Berdyaev N.. The metaphysics of sex and love // Russian Eros... p. 232.

29 Cm.: Russian Eros... C. 241.

30 ibid. C. 226.

31 ibid. C. 242.

32 See: Frank S. L. The Decree. CIT. p. 204.

33 See: Ilyin I. A. the Crisis of atheism. Riga, 1935.

34 See: Ilyin I. A. About the Russian idea // Russian idea. M., 1992. S. 436.