Peculiarities of Factor Analysis in Psychology
Factor analysis appeared in the framework of resolving psychological problems has become popular in many sciences with statistical representation of experimental data. The complexity and ambiguity of its conceptual approaches make its use difficult, especially for young scientists. We have posed a task to clarify special features of difficult points in factor analysis as much as possible without any loss of mathematical accuracy. Our recommendations for the use of factor analysis, with necessary restrictions and clear reasons of a possible ambiguity of solutions, will be useful to everyone interested in mastering an adequate mathematical tool for solving problems pertaining to the humanities, in particular, those of practical psychology.
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3 See: Shmelev, A. G. Psychodiagnostics personality traits. SPb., 2002.
4 See: Spearman Ch. Op. cit., para.
5 Cm.: Harman, G. Modern factor analysis. M., 1972; Iberla K. The Decree. Op.
6 Iberla K. The Decree. Op.
7 CIT. by: p. Dress, piaget J. Experimental psychology. M., 1975. Issue. 5. P. 120.
8 Cm.: Hathaway S. R., MC Kinley J. Ch. Op. cit., para.
9 See: Cattell R. B. Op. cit., para.
10 Shmelev A. G. Decree. Op.
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