Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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People’s Education Problems in Zemstvo Movement in Russia

Zaharova Tatajna Grigorevna, Saratov State University

The paper discusses the problem of the role and place of people’s education in the activity of public county councils (Zemstvo) in Russia.


1 draft Statute of General education institutions of the Ministry of national education. SPb., 1862. P. 61.

2 Prugavin A. S. Laws and reference data on primary national education. SPb., 1899. P.13.

3 See: Ososkov, A. V. Primary education in pre - revolutionary Russia (1861-1917). M., 1982. P. 12-13.

4 See: Essays on the history of school and pedagogical thought of the peoples of the USSR. The second half of the XIX century. M., 1975. P. 62.

5 Stepnyak-krawczynski, S. M. Russia under the rule of kings. M., 1965. S. 277.

6 See: Chernyshevsky D. V. Alexander II and his reforms. Saratov, 1993. P.21.

7 Rachinsky S. A. Notes about rural schools. SPb., 1902. P.7.

8 Cm.: Veselovsky, B. B. the history of the Zemstvo for 40 years: In 4 vol., SPb., 1909. Vol.1. S. 94.

9 D. L. Mordovtsev Decade of the Russian Zemstvo. SPb., 1907. S. 129.

10 Czechs N. In. Public education in Russia since the 60-ies of the XIX century. M., 1912. S. 51.

11 See: Pedagogical encyclopedia: In 4 t. M., 1965. Vol.2. P. 112-114.

12 Vasil'chikov, A. I., On self-government: 3 SPb., 1870. Vol.2. P. 149.

13 ibid.

14 Korf N. Ah. Russian primary school. SPb., 1870. P. 11.

15 ibid.

16 Koshelev A. I. Voice of the Council. Issue. 1. M., 1869. S. 32.

17 ibid.

18 See: Veselovsky B. B. Decree. CIT. p.94.

19 See: Primary education in Russia: In 4 vol., SPb., 1895. Vol.3. S. 23.

20 Additions to the works of the Holy fathers. 1868.  No. 4. S. 256.

21 Ushinsky K. D. Coll. teachers. works: In 4 vol., SPb., 1913. Vol.2. P. 158-160.

22 Vasil'chikov, A. I. Decree. CIT. p.149.

23 See: Korf N. Ah. Our school business. M., 1873. S. 67.

24 Cm.: A brief overview of the Zemstvo school in Russia. Yaroslavl, 1906.

25 See: Veselovsky B. B. Decree. CIT. p.94.

26 Ushinsky K. D. The Decree. CIT. Pp. 158-160.

27 See: Domestic notes. 1875.  No. 11. P. 165-166.

28 See: Charnolusky V. Results of social thought in the field of education. SPb., 1906. P. 189.

29 See: Statistical temporary of the Russian Empire. 1909. Issue. 1. Ser. III. P. 61.

30 Cm.: Rural schools in European Russia. SPb., 1884. P. 38-39.

31 Cm.: Vakhterov V. P. Universal education. M., 1897. P.20.

32 See: Smirnov, O. N. The Zemstvo and the bureaucracy in the in - home education // Russian school. 1906.  No. 12. P. 113-116.

33 See: Farmakovsky V. S. Statistical data on primary education in the Russian Empire. 1902. Issue. II. C. IV–VIII.

Belokonskaya 34 I. P. Zemsky movement. M., 1914. S. 71.

35 See: Korf N. Ah. Our school business. S. 67.

36 See: Primary education in Russia. T. III. S. 23.