People’s Education Problems in Zemstvo Movement in Russia
The paper discusses the problem of the role and place of people’s education in the activity of public county councils (Zemstvo) in Russia.
1 draft Statute of General education institutions of the Ministry of national education. SPb., 1862. P. 61.
2 Prugavin A. S. Laws and reference data on primary national education. SPb., 1899. P.13.
3 See: Ososkov, A. V. Primary education in pre - revolutionary Russia (1861-1917). M., 1982. P. 12-13.
4 See: Essays on the history of school and pedagogical thought of the peoples of the USSR. The second half of the XIX century. M., 1975. P. 62.
5 Stepnyak-krawczynski, S. M. Russia under the rule of kings. M., 1965. S. 277.
6 See: Chernyshevsky D. V. Alexander II and his reforms. Saratov, 1993. P.21.
7 Rachinsky S. A. Notes about rural schools. SPb., 1902. P.7.
8 Cm.: Veselovsky, B. B. the history of the Zemstvo for 40 years: In 4 vol., SPb., 1909. Vol.1. S. 94.
9 D. L. Mordovtsev Decade of the Russian Zemstvo. SPb., 1907. S. 129.
10 Czechs N. In. Public education in Russia since the 60-ies of the XIX century. M., 1912. S. 51.
11 See: Pedagogical encyclopedia: In 4 t. M., 1965. Vol.2. P. 112-114.
12 Vasil'chikov, A. I., On self-government: 3 SPb., 1870. Vol.2. P. 149.
13 ibid.
14 Korf N. Ah. Russian primary school. SPb., 1870. P. 11.
15 ibid.
16 Koshelev A. I. Voice of the Council. Issue. 1. M., 1869. S. 32.
17 ibid.
18 See: Veselovsky B. B. Decree. CIT. p.94.
19 See: Primary education in Russia: In 4 vol., SPb., 1895. Vol.3. S. 23.
20 Additions to the works of the Holy fathers. 1868. No. 4. S. 256.
21 Ushinsky K. D. Coll. teachers. works: In 4 vol., SPb., 1913. Vol.2. P. 158-160.
22 Vasil'chikov, A. I. Decree. CIT. p.149.
23 See: Korf N. Ah. Our school business. M., 1873. S. 67.
24 Cm.: A brief overview of the Zemstvo school in Russia. Yaroslavl, 1906.
25 See: Veselovsky B. B. Decree. CIT. p.94.
26 Ushinsky K. D. The Decree. CIT. Pp. 158-160.
27 See: Domestic notes. 1875. No. 11. P. 165-166.
28 See: Charnolusky V. Results of social thought in the field of education. SPb., 1906. P. 189.
29 See: Statistical temporary of the Russian Empire. 1909. Issue. 1. Ser. III. P. 61.
30 Cm.: Rural schools in European Russia. SPb., 1884. P. 38-39.
31 Cm.: Vakhterov V. P. Universal education. M., 1897. P.20.
32 See: Smirnov, O. N. The Zemstvo and the bureaucracy in the in - home education // Russian school. 1906. No. 12. P. 113-116.
33 See: Farmakovsky V. S. Statistical data on primary education in the Russian Empire. 1902. Issue. II. C. IV–VIII.
Belokonskaya 34 I. P. Zemsky movement. M., 1914. S. 71.
35 See: Korf N. Ah. Our school business. S. 67.
36 See: Primary education in Russia. T. III. S. 23.