Cooperation Between Provincial and District County Councils for People’s Education
The paper considers the basic directions and content of cooperation and relations of provincial and district county councils (Zemstvo) in the field of people’s education.
1, GASO, f.13, op.1, d. 116, l. 11–63.
2 See: Rakitnikov N. Essay on the history of folk education in Balashov district / / Saratov Zemskaya Nedelya. 1901. No. 33-34. S. 129.
3 Balashovskiy branch of the JI-AP (BF GASO), f.22, op. 2, D. 10, sheet 2.
4 Rakitnikov N. Decree. Op.
5 ibid.
6 Veselovsky, B. B. the history of the Zemstvo for 40 years: In 4 vol., SPb., 1909. Vol.1. P. 144.
7 ibid.
8, GASO, f.5, op.1, d. 17, l. 196; D. 2122, L. 44.
9 ibid.
10 See: Journal of the meeting of the next Zemstvo provincial Assembly. Saratov, 1880. P. 240.
11, GASO, f.286, op.1, d. 1, l 63.
12 ibid. F. 13, op.1, d. 116, l. 11 W-63.
13 See: Meeting logs of the Saratov provincial Zemstvo Assembly. From 25 may to 3 July 1866. Saratov, 1866. P. 21-26, 33-40.
14 Denikaev County V. D. medicine // Saratov Zemstvo week. 1902. No. 8. S. 96.
15 Cm.: The journals of the meetings of the Saratov provincial Zemstvo assemblies. From 25 may to 3 July 1866.
16 See: A set of materials on the activities of the Saratov provincial Zemstvo in the field of public education // Proceedings of the Commission on public education. Saratov, 1894. S. 6.
17 ibid.
18 ibid.
19 ibid.
20 ibid.
21 ibid.
22 See: Report of the provincial Zemstvo. 1885. Saratov, 1885. S. 85.
23 See: Logs of meetings of the provincial Zemstvo Assembly. 1866-1889 year. Saratov, 1900. P. 166.
24 Cm.: Morozova E. N. Cultural and educational activities of the Saratov Zemstvo. 1866-1890. Saratov, 1988. P.5.
25, GASO, f.5, op.1, d. 17, l. 196; D. 2122, L. 44.
26 ibid.
27 See: A set of materials on the activities of the Saratov provincial Zemstvo in the field of public education.
28 GASO, f.13, op.1, d. 116, l. 11–63.
29 See: Review of public education in Saratov GU-Bernia. Saratov, 1889. S. 31.