Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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The Reception of G. Tard's Views in Contemporary Social and Philosophical Discourse

Tatjanin Oleg Olegovich, Saratov State University

The main idea of the article is attempt to trace and briefly state, on the basis of what preconditions in modern social and humanitarian knowledge, and in particular in specific social and humanitarian disciplines such as philosophy, sociology and anthropology, the revival of ideas and ways of conceptualizing social phenomena of Gabriel Tarda. The aim of the article is to provide the reader with some material on the fact that among representatives of modern anthropology there is a certain turn, or «return», to the so-called mimetic practices. The author starts by telling that the concept of «the other» as outside the competitor present and simultaneously constituting the internalized part of the individual is key to understanding the processes of society formation and has a direct bearing on the concept of emulating Gabriel Tard and attempts to connect the latter. According to the article will be an examination of those transformations that the ideas of the French sociologist have undergone in the mental theoretic-cognitive constructs of contemporary thinkers who use the terminological thesaurus Tarde explicitly or implicitly, in particular, it will be a question of considering the pleiad of such modern social thinkers as B. Latour, G. Deleuze, R. Girard, Р. Sloterdijk, who have exerted, and continue to exert, a noticeable and significant influence on the methods of theorizing culture and scientific knowledge in general.


1. Deleuze G., Guattari F. Capitalisme et shizophrenie. Mille plateaux. Paris, 1980. 640 p. (Russ. ed.: Deleuze G., Guattari F. Kapitalism i shizophreniya. Tisyacha plato. Moscow. 2010. 895 p.).

2. Tatianyn O. O. Telesnost’ v structure sotsialnogo prostranstva [Corporeality in the structure of social space]. Aspirantskiy vestnik Povolzhya. [Postgraduate student gazette of the Volga Region]. Samara, 2017, no. 3–4, pp. 74–81 (in Russian).

3. Sloterdijk P., Heinrichs H.-J. Die Sonne und der Tod, Dialogische Untersuchungen. Frankfurt a/M, 2001. 483 S. (Russ. ed.: Sloterdijk P., Heinrichs H.-J. Solntse i smert. Dialogicheskie issledovania. St. Petersburg, 2015. 608 p.).

4. Bullit W., Freud S. Thomas Woodrow Wilson. Boston, 1967. 307 p. (Russ. ed.: Freud S., Bullit W. Thomas Vudro Wilson: dvadtsat vosmoi president USA. Moscow, 2017. 336 p.).

5. Sloterdijk P. Spharen III – Schaume, Plyrale Spharologle. Frankfurt a/M, 2004. 920 S. (Russ. ed.: Sloterdijk P. Sferi. Plyuralnaya sfera. St. Petersburg, 2010. 925 p.).