Theoretical Analysis of the Problem of Realization of Discriminatory Attitudes of the Person in Behavior
The results of a theoretical analysis of the problem of the correlation between discriminatory attitudes of personality and behavior are presented. The relevance of the topic is determined by the social order of revealing the determinants of discriminatory behavior of the individual creating social tension. The directions of studies of discriminatory attitudes in domestic and foreign psychology are analyzed, it is shown that at present the researchers’ emphasis is shifted from discriminatory attitudes on ethnic and gender grounds to discrimination in appearance, age, and limited health opportunities. The conditions for restricting the implementation of discriminatory attitudes in behavior are revealed: the lack of coherence of emotional and cognitive components of attitudes; controlling effects with low internal motivation and informing influences with high motivation in social contacts; situational factors, which simultaneously include discriminatory and non-discriminatory goals of social contacts; awareness of the prejudices underlying discriminatory attitudes, and the reflection of their rational causes. It is determined that the behavioral component of discriminatory attitudes is manifested in two planes: the mental one as part of a simplified scheme in which besides stereotyped patterns, stereotyped ideas and affective components are included, and real ones as actual actions and behavioral acts. It is shown that discriminatory attitudes are realized in behavior if the situation or potential discriminated person pose a threat to the adaptation of the individual; factor triggering discriminatory attitudes in behavior is the fact of “penetration” of a representative of another group into the habitual social space of the individual. It is concluded that the correlation of the self-assessment of behavior on the basis of the prevailing type of relationship with the social environment, the strategies for resolving the conflict situation with them, and discriminatory behavior are insufficiently studied.
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