Social and Psychological Features of Emotional Burnout at Various Stages of Seniority of Correctional Staff
The article presents the results of empirical research of correctional staff’s emotional burnout. The hypothesis: there is an existence of features of correctional staff’s emotional burnout at various stages of their seniority. Empirical selection is presented by employees of Federal Service Directorate of Execution of Punishment in Saratov region. Methods: V. Boyko’s method for burnout level assessment; K. Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI). This research shows dynamics of emotional burnout which people working in penal system eventually acquire. It is established that there is a number of reliable differences on the general indicator of emotional burnout and its phases and symptoms between employees with experience from three to six years and two other subgroups: beginners and those who have been working in penal system for long time. In the first three years of work employees of penal system are mainly steady against formation of emotional burnout. During the next period of career from 3 to 6 years substantial increase of level of the em otional burnout which is followed by the expressed symptoms of the created resistance stage is observed. In this time frame of work indicators of emotional burnout of penal system employees reach the peak. In the period of work over 6 years decrease of emotional burnout symptoms is observed that can be explained by formation of resource mechanisms of opposition to professional stress.
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