Environmental Ethics and Regional Environmental Problems: the Interdisciplinary Aspect
The article deals with the eco-ethical aspects of human being, designed to preserve and multiply the vital phenomena of mankind in the geocosmic space-time. The dynamic development of civilization creates not only opportunities for preserving human life, but also creates new threats, including environmental problems that have the greatest impact on important aspects of human existence: health, values, needs. Using an interdisciplinary approach to analyze environmental problems, the importance of regional level research as a space for the greatest impact of environmental risks on human life is shown in view of the maximum human closeness to the natural environment. The article presents modern data on environmental problems in the Saratov region. Under the environmental threat associated with environmental pollution of the region by the chemicals are: atmospheric air, surface water, soil of agro-industrial lands, local agricultural food products. The studies identified groups of food products containing residual quantities of chemical pollutants that pose a real threat to the health of the population of the region and require radical ecological measures.
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