Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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Memory of the Other or the Other Memory: the Social-Psychological Analysis of Commemorative Practices

Ryaguzova Elena Vladimirovna, Saratov State University

The article represents the results of theoretical reflection of commemorative practices, directed both at simultaneous presentation of the past and its evaluated representation in the present at three levels of the analysis – societies / states, groups and persons. It is shown that at the level of the state, commemorations act as a powerful political and manipulative resource of the power allowing to operate the past, to design cultural memory of social actors, and to consolidate society on the basis of collective experiences. At the level of the group collective memory is formed thanks to the commemorative programs, which integrate the members of the group, construct the positive social identity and actualize the feeling “We”; at the level of the personality commemorative practices are connected with the need of the person to hold in remembrance the past and to recover memory traces in rituals, ceremonies, visible signs, symbols and artifacts capable of holding symbolically experiences of the past in the relevant present. It is offered to consider the family album as the way of a double com-memoration, an archive of memoirs, the means of preserving the memory of the Other which resists time, sews different temporary layers, keeps the past as staying in the present, cultivates and strengthens the valuable and semantic sphere of members of the family system. It is claimed that designing a cognitive and perceptual memorable narrative in the course of interpersonal interaction, occurs both with the help of mechanisms of affective identification to Others, sympathy and empathy to them, and due to a personal reflection of responsibility to yourself and Others.


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