Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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Reflexive and Verbal Indicators of Teachers’ Burnout

Chernikova Tamara Vasilievna, Volgograd State University

The teachers’ emotional health disorders were traditionally analysed through burnout levels, correlated with individual personality or stress factors of labour, to that the inclusive component of school education is presently attributed. Ways of studying burnout in conjunction with the psycho-physiological personality traits, temperament and character are now fading into the background. The emerging research trend associates emotional burnout with violations in the moral sphere of the individual. Materials of the article are prepared in the logic of recent studies, where the emotional burnout is examined as the complex dynamic phenomenon that has valued-moral basis. The analysis of 79 teachers project compositions (professional essays) showed different directions of reflection-verbal indicators of high and subzero levels of burnout. For teachers with high burnout level the reflection-verbal formulas are moved toward the evaluation of teaching labour and professional surroundings (intellectual type of reflection). The favourable indexes of emotional health are accompanied by displacement of reflection-verbal formulas toward the search of resources of their own development and grant them for the development of other people (personality type of reflection). Such teachers should be involved into the work in groups of emotional mutual assistance.


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