Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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Sophia as a World Soul in the Worldview of Russian Sophiologists and Gregory of Narek

Khachatryan Mastegra V., Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov

The article is devoted to the analysis of the image of Sophia the Wisdom of God as a World Soul, which is the focus of the all-unity concept of Russian religious philosopher Vladimir S. Solovyev – the founder of Russian Sophiology. As a unique innovation in the context of research works on sophiology, the article actualizes and pays attention to the work by the ancient Armenian philosopher and theologian of the 10th century Gregory of Narek – «The Book of Lamentations», which expresses ideas revealing the image of the World Soul in a deep philosophical and theological context. The purpose of the article is to show by means of a comparative analysis of ideas of Russian sophiologists concerning the World Soul, mainly V. S. Solovyev and S. N. Bulgakov, P. A. Florensky, E. N. Trubetskoy, S. N. Trubetskoy and Gregory of Narek, that the Bible is the conceptual source of their ideas. In order to carry out such an analysis, the most important sophiological images of the World Soul as an Animate Being and a Feminine Divine Person with a unifying, binding and life-giving power are considered. The study shows the identity and community of the ideas of Sophia the Wisdom of God as a World Soul by Russian sophiologists and Gregory of Narek.


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2. Trubetskoy E. N. Mirosozertsanie Vl. S. Solovyeva [Worldview of Vl. S. Solovyev]. In 2 vols. Vol. 1. Moscow, Put’ izd. avtora, 1913. 420 p. (in Russian).

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4. Bulgakov S. N. Svet nevecherniy: sozertsaniya i umozreniya [The Unfading Light: Contemplation and Speculation]. Moscow, Put’1917. 417 p. (in Russian).

5. Bulgakov Sergiy, prot. More to the Question of Sophia, the Wisdom of God. Report to Metropolitan Evlogii on the Defi nition of the Council of Bishops in Karlovtsy. Prilozhenie k jurnalu “Put’ ” [Supplement to the Journal “Put’ (The way)”]. Paris, 1936, no. 50. 32 p. (in Russian).

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7. Solovyev V. S. Articles from the Encyclopedic Dictionary. In: Solovyev V. S. Sobranie sochineniy: v 10 t. T. 10 (1877–1884) [Collected works in 10 vols. Vol. 10 (1877–1884)]. Ed. and notes by S. M. Solovyev and E. L. Radlov. 2nd ed. St.-Petersburg, Prosveschenie Publ., 1912, pp. 229–523 (in Russian).

8. Bulgakov S. N. Nevesta Agntsa [The Bride of the Lamb]. Paris, Ymca Press, 1945. 624 p. (in Russian).

9. Trubetskoy E. N. Natsionalnyy vopros. Konstantinopol i svyataya Sofi ya: (publichnaya lektsiya) [The National Question. Constantinople and Saint Sophia: (A Public Lecture)]. Moscow, Tip. t-va I. D. Sytin,1915. 32 p. (in Russian).

10. Grigor Narekatsi. Kniga skorbnykh pesnopeniy [The Book of Lamentations]. Moscow, Nauka, 1988. 407 p. (in Russian).

11. Trubetskoy S. N. About St. Sophia, Wisdom of God. Voprosy fi losofi i [Problems of Philosophy], 1995, no. 9, pp. 120–168 (in Russian).

12. Florenskiy P. A. Stolp i utverzhdenie Istiny [Pillar and the Statement of Truth]. In: Florenskiy P. A. Sobranie sochineniy: v 2 t. T. 1 [Collected works in 2 vols. Vol. 1]. Moscow, Put’, 1914, pp. 3–490 (in Russian).

13. Solovyev V. S. Rossiya i vselenskaya Tserkov [Russia and the Universal Church]. Moscow (reprint from A. I. Mamontov’s publication, Moscow, 1911), 1991. 448 p. (in Russian)

14. Solovyev V. S. Stikhotvoreniya [Poems]. Izdanie S. Solovyeva. 6-e izdanie, znachitelno dopolnennoe s variantami, bibliografi cheskimi primechaniyami, biografi yey, faksimile i 2-mya portretami [Ed. by S. Solovyev. 6th ed., signifi cantly supplemented, with variants, bibliographic notes, biography, facsimile and 2 portraits]. Moscow, Tipolit. T-va Kushnerev i Ko,1915. 359 p. (in Russian).