Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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Career Preferences and Professional and Psychological Types of Students of Higher Education Institutions

Dukhnovsky Sergey Vitalievich, Ugra State University

The article gives the data of the empirical study of career preferences and vocational and psychological types of students as a part of the solution of the issue of planning of professional career of university graduates. It was assumed that based on the expression of vocational and psychological types and career preferences, it is possible to describe the current and potential directions of career development. The study involved students of graduate courses of higher educational institutions pursuing degrees in management specialties (state and municipal management, personnel management and management). The empirical study used the author‘s methodology of identification of vocational and psychological type of personality and the questionnaire of career readiness. On the basis of the obtained data, the author proved the assumption that the expression of vocational and psychological types (manager, performer, communicator and generator) and career preferences (type of career, professional tasks and official readiness) is one of the indicators of career readiness of students, which implies a current and potential direction of career development of university graduates. Actual career development involves the implementation of the dominant vocational and psychological type (manager, performer and generator), professional tasks and official readiness within the framework of the graduate's preferred type of career (vertical and inter-organizational). The potential direction of career development of a university graduate implies a ratio of career preferences relevant to the vocational and psychological type of the student (head and generator). 

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