Possibilities of Military Environment in the Organization of Psychological and Pedagogical Support for Professional Adaptation of Young Officers
The article discusses issues related to the study of pedagogical capabilities of the military environment in the organization of psychological and pedagogical support for professional adaptation of young officers to official activities in the initial period of their professional functioning. Relevance of the study is determined by the peculiarities of the organization and development trends in the sphere of military professional labor, the complexity and variability of situations arising in its functional and procedural space, which require from the officer to be ready for effective professional adaptation to official activities, and for demonstrating adaptive behavioral models that ensure personal and professional success of the military specialist and his productive integration into the military environment. The author analyzes scientific works of Russian authors, reflecting essential and meaningful characteristics of the professional adaptation of the personality. Based on these, the author determines the main guidelines that make professional adaptation of young officers successful. They include the officer’s personal readiness for the successful organization of the adaptation process and the use of the managerial potential of the military environment to increase its effectiveness. The study found that optimization of professional adaptation is ensured within the framework of the organization of psychological and pedagogical support, implemented nto the military environment with the help of some pedagogical tools. This is an important condition for a military specialist to achieve personal and professional success and increase effectiveness of his professional adaptation and career performance. The author also considers the priority areas of psychological and pedagogical support for professional adaptation of young officers in the military environment using its resource capabilities and main dominants that determine the specifics of service activities of military specialists.
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