Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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Results of the Development of the Economic Activity Inventory

Zabelina Ekaterina V., Chelyabinsk State University
Chestyunina Yulia V., Chelyabinsk State University

The article represents the results of the development and verifying the express method for studying economic activity. As a result of theoretical analysis, four approaches to the study of economic activity were identified, one of which is purely psychological. In the framework of this approach, the definition of economic activity is formulated as the characteristic of a person, manifested in the level of intensity and initiative of the interaction with objects of economic reality (in the role of a consumer, entrepreneur, employee, borrower, investor, etc.). We propose a theoretical structure of economic activity, consisting of three components: cognitive (activity in finding information for making decisions in the economic sphere), motivational-volitional (confidence in one’s own ability to manage the economic situation, internal economic locus of control), and behavioral (manifestation of activity in everyday economic behavior). The procedure for the development and statistical verification of the economic activity inventory is described in detail. The results of exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis (N = 489), as well as the results of the correlation analysis confirmed the factor and convergent validity of the three scales of the questionnaire. The scales showed an acceptable level of reliability according to internal consistency. In conclusion, the prospects of applying the questionnaire in psychological and economic research are discussed.


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