Value Profiles of Modern Students and Teachers at Universities: Consensus or Gap?
The article presents the results of the empirical study which serves the purpose to analyze and compare value profiles of modern university lecturers and students as the main subjects of educational process. To verify the assumption that there was no value gap between the representatives of the studied groups a research among 80 participants (60 students and 20 teachers) has been made. The “Portrait Questionnaire” by S. Schwartz was used as a diagnostic tool and the criterion Mann – Whitney was used to establish the significance of the differences. The similar configuration of the value profiles of lecturers and students’ value profiles has been found, which is characterized not by qualitative but by quantitative differences. Significant differences (p <0.01) in the priority of some values have been found, which are determined by the age and status-role characteristics of the representatives of the studied groups, as well as the specifics of the social situation of the development of modern students belonging to the Z generation. It is argued that the presence of differences in some types of value priorities cannot be interpreted as a value gap. It is stated that the consensus of motivational orientations – consistency of the basic values of “self-direction”, “benevolence”, “universalism”, “tradition”, “conformism” and higher-order values – “self-determination” and “conservation” indicates a common trend of lecturers and students to self-development, personal growth, reliance on reasonable traditions and security, it is the result of lecturers and students’ active interaction determined by mutual motivation and aimed at implementing a common agreed goal in the context of the educational process.
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