Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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From the History of Nihilism In Russia: “Vekhi” and Frank

Romanovskaya Evgenia V., Saratov State University

In the article, the attempt is made to comprehend the influence of the ideology of nihilism on the social condition of Russia after the defeat of the 1905 revolution. Leading Russian philosophers (N. A. Berdyaev, S. N. Bulgakov, M. O. Gershenzon, A. S. Izgoev, B. A. Kistyakovsky, P. B. Struve, S. L. Frank) in the collection of articles “Vekhi”, published in 1909, spoke about the role of the Russian intelligentsia in this revolution. The release of the collection caused a fierce debate in the society. We settled on the article by S. L. Frank (“Ethics of Nihilism”), which was devoted to the phenomenon of Russian nihilism. In his opinion, the enthusiasm of the intelligentsia in the ideas of nihilism was a pressure point in the failure of their participation in the revolution. The article attempts to consider the manifestations of nihilism in Russia, which was not only an “academic philosophical theory”, but also an important factor in influencing the events of the Russian revolution. Frank understood nihilism as the non-recognition of absolute values (truth, justice, freedom, beauty). Moralism, namely nihilistic moralism is the essence of the worldview of the Russian intelligentsia. And Frank, in his article, argues that the Russian intelligentsia must reconsider old values and acquire new ones, – the values of creative religious humanism. 


1. Berdyaev N. А. Philosophical Truth and Intelligent Truth. In: Vehi. Sbornik statei o russkoi intelligentsii [Vekhi. Collection of articles about the Russian intelligentsia]. Moscow, Molodaya Gvardia Publ., 1991, pp. 1-23 (in Russian).

2. Izgoev А. S. About Intelligent Youth [Notes on its life and moods. In: Vekhi. Sbornik statei o russkoi intelligentsii [Vekhi. Collection of articles about the Russian intelligentsia]. Moscow, Molodaya Gvardia Publ., 1991, pp. 97-125 (in Russian).

3. Rozanov V. V. Merezhkovsky against «Vekhi». Novoe vremia (New Time), 1909, no. 11897, p. 3. Available at: dugward.ru/library/rozanov/rozanov_merejkovskiy_protiv_veh.html (accessed 14 May 2019) (in Russian).

4. Belyi А. The truth about the Russian intelligentsia. Vesy [The Scales], 1909, no. 5, May, pp. 65-68 (in Russian).

5. Trubetskoi Е. Vekhi and their criticism. Moskovskii ezenedelnik [Moscow daily], 1909, no. 23, 13 (26) June, pp. 1-18 (in Russian).

6. Solzhenitsyn A. I. Education. Noviy mir [New world], 1991, no. 5, pp. 28-46 (in Russian).

7. Frank S. L. Ethics of Nihilism. In: Vehi. Sbornik statei o russkoi intelligentsii [Vekhi. Collection of articles about the Russian intelligentsia]. Moscow, Molodaya Gvardia Publ., 1990, pр. 175-210 (in Russian).

8. Heidegger M. European Nihilism. In: Heidegger M. Sein und Zeit. Moscow, Respublika Publ., 1993, рp. 163-167 (Russ. ed.: Haidegger М. Evropeiskii nigilizm. In: Haidegger М. Vremia i bytie: Statia i vystupleniy. Moscow, Respublika Publ., 1993, рp. 163-167).

9. Chubarov I. «Evropeiskiinigilizm»: oshibka populyarnoi ekspluotastii (Evropean nihilism: popular exploitation error). Available at: https://www.apn.ru/index.php?newsid=1940 (accessed 9 May 2019) (in Russian).

10. Romanovskaya Е. V. Ethics of nihilism: Frank and Nietzsche. In: Chelovek. Istoria. Kultura: istoricheskii i fi losofskii al'manakh [Person. History. Culture: a historical and philosophical almanac]. Saratov, Privolzhskaya academia gosudarstvennoy sluzhby Publ., 2009, pp. 56-60 (in Russian).