Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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Socio-Psychological Aspects of School Bullying Prevention in a Digital Environment

Nelyubova Yanina K., Saratov Regional Institute Development of Education
Grishanova Oksana Sergeevna, Saratov Regional Institute Development of Education

The article is devoted to the analysis of overcoming the risks of digital socialization in the context of the ideas of adolescents and teachers about the phenomenon of bullying in the school environment. The relevance of addressing the topic is due to the need to develop a regional model for the prevention of bullying, which requires the study of deficits and resources in the professional position of teaching staff. The purpose of the article is to show the possibilities of professional reflection to reduce the contradiction between the significance of bullying problems for teenagers and the unpreparedness of pedagogical teams to effectively respond to this problem. The article contains the results of empirical studies – data from the annual socio-psychological testing of adolescents in the Saratov region (90,422 students), exploring problems that reduce the psychological stability of youth – aggressive manifestations in the teenage environment as well as an analysis of teachers’ ideas about the causes, participants and prevention of bullying and cyberbullying (125 people). The article focuses on actually available and desirable strategies for teachers to respond to aggression in the teenage environment. The conclusions indicate that the collective moderation of the problem allows us to identify the components of the school’s anti-bullying strategy, the study defines the need for including response skills in the bullying situation in continuing education programs for teachers.


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