Antinomy of love and suffering in the religious philosophy by S. L. Frank
The article explores the essence of the antinomy of love and suffering. Within the framework of the problem, the works of the Russian religious philosopher S. L. Frank turned out to be significant. The author analyzes the semantic content of love and suffering, which became possible when considering the concept of the metaphysics of the all-unity of the thinker. In the course of studying the problem, an aspect of the contradiction between the selected phenomena is revealed, which is based on a positive and negative assessment of the understanding of these sensations. The author searches for propositions concerning love and suffering in the context of determining their ontological meaning. In this direction, love is considered as “unity”, which allows you to prevent the “disintegration” of existence into parts. Suffering, on the other hand, is represented as an “antinomic reality”, which is already the “agony” of being, expressed in the tragedy of life’s existence, since the parts of the “disintegrated” being acquire an opposing character. On the basis of the revealed meanings, a conclusion is formulated about overcoming the antinomy of love and suffering through their “synthesis”. This aspect involves revealing the essence of compassion. The resolution of antinomy is considered through the desire to overcome suffering and to perceive the pain of another person, which is based on the understanding of love in its revealed sense as “unity”, which prevents the “disintegration of the all-unity” at the ontological level.
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