Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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159.922 (19.00.01)

Characteristics of an Influence of the Time Orientation of Personality on a Choice of Professional Activity's Sphere

Khvan N. V., National Science Practical, Educational and Health Center «Bobek»

This article examines interrelation of the time orientation of anindividual and his occupational activity. It is done on the basis of the empirical data analysis applying themethods of logistic regression. A level of predictive value of the created models was defined. Most valuable features of the time orientation were identified for estimation of probability of individual belonging to a certain occupational area. It was determined that the most meaningful parameters for assessment of a probability of belonging of therespondents to one of the three fields of activities, such asentrepreneurship, network marketing, and civil service are those mentioned in the Zimbardo’s questionnaire of time orientation. These are the parameters of «negative past» and «future». 

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