Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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Global in the discourse of metamodernism: The problem of origins

Ovodova Svetlana Nikolaevna, Omsk State University named after F. M. Dostoevsky

The article examines the representation of the global phenomenon in the discourses of modernity and metamodernity. In the domestic reception, metamodernism is often represented as post-postmodernism. A significant discrepancy in assessments of a fairly integral phenomenon of modern philosophy of culture, which is metamodernism, can be explained. The methodological guidelines of metamodernism are still in development. Theorists of metamodernism continue their search, the establishment of interaction between postirony, authenticity, new sincerity, depth, historicity, aff ect, selfhood, and superhybridity. In this regard, the analysis of the methodology of metamodernism is possible not only by studying its individual attitudes, but by referring to the foundations of the metamodern discourse. Highlighting the key models of the global in the discourses of modernity and postmodernity allowed us to assess their representation in the metamodern program. The philosophy of modernity is characterized by the idea of the global as the idea of the history taken outside of it (G. Hegel), as the idea that is formed in the process of history (K. Marx). Postmodernism reduces these models to the level of simulacra. The distinction of the local is characteristic of postmodern deconstructivism. Metamodernism in its research practice combines the discourse of the global and the local, off ering options for the return of history to human life.

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