Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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Plato’s «soteriology» in the context of classical yoga

Pozdnyakov Sergey N., Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Service under the President of the Russian Federation, Lipetsk branch

Introduction. In the article, the connection between the «soteriological» aspects of philosophy of Plato and the principles of classical yoga presented in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali is considered in the framework of the comparative methodology. The aim of the study is to establish conceptual parallels in the approaches of Plato and classical yoga to solving the issue of the form of the highest spiritual realization of a person. Theoretical analysis. The most common points of the contact of Plato with classical yoga in the form of a system of eight practical principles of working with the human body and psyche are presented by analogy with the eight-step yoga of Patanjali. The practice of maintaining the physical and mental health of a person, continuous nature of this practice, internal and external purity, self-control, subordination of the senses, maintaining mental peace and balance, eliminating ignorance and the practice of meditation constitute the semantic core of Plato’s «yoga system». The main position of this system is the meditative practice of achieving a higher state of consciousness. Conclusions. The practice of meditation in Plato is realized gradually and ends with the same soteriological result as the mastery of the «internal» means of yoga in the Patanjali system. The deep and complex connection between psychotechnics, philosophy and religious wisdom in the studied systems is emphasized. The study of this relationship is an important direction in modern philosophical and religious comparative studies.

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