Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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Analysis of the problems of socio-pedagogical support to families raising a child with disabilities

Kruglova Elena Evgenievna, Omsk State Pedagogical University

Introduction. This article presents the results of the content analysis of dissertation research by Russian and foreign scientists devoted to the socio-pedagogical support of families raising a child with disabilities. The problems of raising children with disabilities are considered; the actual problems of interaction between a child, parents and an educational institution are described. Theoretical analysis. The article describes the methodology of the problem of accompanying the family of a child with disabilities. Socio-pedagogical support based on culturological and axiological approaches is considered. The author identifi es the main directions for accompanying the family of a child with disabilities from the beginning of the XIX century to the present in Russia and foreign countries. Common problems that occur most often are highlighted. Conclusions are formulated about the need for socio-pedagogical support of parents and self-improvement of their psychological and pedagogical competence. A comparative analysis of the problems of support in Russia and abroad is given. Conclusions. It is revealed that successfully organized socio-pedagogical support of parents of a child with disabilities in the conditions of interaction between school and family contributes to the improvement of socio-pedagogical competence of parents; creation of conditions for constructive interaction and communication of subjects of support; optimization of relationships in the family; development of the ability to accept, understand and trust each other, and be able to realize the importance of family attention and upbringing.

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