Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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The relationship between the attitude to the disease and social perception in persons with hysterical neurosis

Rudenko Svetlana Lvovna, Belgorod State National Research University

Introduction. The study is aimed at examining the attitude to the disease of persons with hysterical neurosis in the aspect of coherence with the peculiarities of their social competence. Insufficient knowledge of thе problem field is shown, which resonates with an increase in the rate of disability of this contingent. The hypothesis is formulated that the subjects with hysterical neurosis have a disharmonious and maladapting egocentric attitude to the disease, interconnected with a significant violation of social perception. Empirical analysis. In a group of patients with hysterical neurosis, contamination of egocentric and sensitive types of attitude to the disease is recorded. A moderate decrease in the ability to read emotions by facial expressions, posture and gestures, understanding the logic of the development of social situations and anticipating their outcomes was revealed. There is a close feedback between the characteristics of disharmonious types of attitude to the disease, which cause sensitized interpsychic orientation, and a complex indicator of social intelligence. Conclusion. The revealed types of attitude to the disease cause an overestimated egocentric orientation, combined with vulnerability, preoccupation with thoughts about the impression made in connection with the disease. There are difficulties in concentrating on perceptual details, there is a selective fixation on subjectively significant aspects of the content of communication, which hinders social meta-analysis and disadapts in society.

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