Socio-psychological and personal characteristics of the manifestation of workaholism
Introduction. The most important sphere of a modern person’s life, which takes up a large amount of time, is work activity, which can lead to an inability to fully devote time to communicating with loved ones and avoiding one’s own unresolved life and psychological problems. Theoretical analysis. An analysis of works in the field of workaholism studies shows that more attention is paid to this problem abroad than in Russia. However, the available studies in the domestic scientific space indicate the tendency of the Russian-speaking population to the risk of developing workaholism. Еmpirical analysis. The study of socio-psychological and personal factors of workaholism revealed that a significant part of the subjects can be attributed to «forced» workaholics who do not seek to «go to work» for various reasons, but they have to work hard. On the basis of a hierarchical set of studied socio-psychological and personal factors of workaholism, a portrait of a «true» workaholic was modeled, where such radicals as: «the desire for public approval», «anxiety», and «the need for a sense of self-worth» are the most pronounced. Conclusion. Analysis and generalization of the results made it possible to identify true and forced workaholics and, on the basis of correlation analysis, to build an “ideal” psychological profi le of a workaholic, including a set of socio-psychological and personal characteristics of the manifestation of workaholism in the hierarchical sequence of its radicals. A promising direction for further research is the construction of multifactorial models of the relationship between the value of the indicator of labor dependence, socio-psychological factors and personal characteristics, on the basis of which it is supposed to develop a formula for calculating predisposition to workaholism.
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