Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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On the place of the mythology of technology in contemporary digital studies

Rezvushkina Sofya Alexandrovna, South Ural State University (National Research University)

Introduction. The article is devoted to philosophical reflection on the role of technique and technology in the existence of a modern man. The authors hypothesize that the technosphere is subject to mythologization to the same extent as other essentially significant human spheres. In this regard, the need to study the process of mythologization of technology is actualized. Theoretical analysis. The analysis of the historical and philosophical basis of the problem has demonstrated that there are two approaches to the connotation of technological innovations – alarmist and progressivist. They determine the further vector of mythologization. Alarmist researchers mythologize technology through negative connotations, while the progressist approach is characterised by a positive attitude towards the technologicalisation of all spheres of human existence. Empirical analysis. A further investigation of the sources of formation of the metaphysical superstructure of technology showed that the reflection of technology involves a sensual-imaginative, irrational perception which is characteristic of mythologization. It is reflected in the artistic creations of a contemporary man that explicate mythological meanings related to the perception of technology. Conclusion. The authors conclude that there is a need to study mythology of technology as an independent field of knowledge in the context of contemporary digital studies. The author's definition of the technological mythology which allows to outline the boundaries of this phenomenon more precisely and comprehensively, is proposed.

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