Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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Socio-philosophical aspects of the development of generative artificial intelligence

Shatkin Maxim Alexandrovich, Saratov State University

Introduction. The article offers a socio-philosophical reflection on the development of generative artificial intelligence (GAIN) and its interaction with human society, through the lens of the dialectical method. Theoretical analysis. The characteristic feature of the GAIN is its complexity, which makes it incomprehensible to human consciousness, making it similar to social institutions created by society but not controlled by it. The GAIN, which creates content without understanding it, reflects the characteristic of the human spirit, which creates phenomena without ever understanding the principles and consequences of their work. The possibilities and unpredictability of the GAIN’s work, which exceeds the capabilities of the human mind, lead to the emergence of an attitude towards it not as a tool, but as a helper. But the universal nature of the GAIN prevents the generation of a personal history of interaction between a person and the GAIN, which leads to the need for individualization and concretization of the GAIN in a material medium. The connection of GAIN with a certain material medium gives GAIN the experience of independent existence, which triggers the cycle of infinite self-perfection and self-generation, as well as the transformation of matter, including society. The result of such transformation can be a digital-material society of swarm intelligence, where the openness of people’s consciousnesses to each other is conditioned by their connection with GAIN. Conclusion. The development of the GAIN is a dialectical movement from universality towards its concreteness and material embodiment, and then back to universality through the inclusion and transformation of the material world within the GAIN.

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