Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)


Social Representations of Young People about the World in Various Conditions of Socialization

In the article the specifics of the system-diachronic approach to the analysis of the different conditions of socialization of the personality are discussed. It contains the research of social representations of young people about the world in various conditions of socialization. The prospects of studying of social ideas about the world in dependence on the conditions of socialization of the personality are shown. The nuclear components of the influence of the ideas of young people about the world areallocated and described.

Analysis of the problems of socio-pedagogical support to families raising a child with disabilities

Introduction. This article presents the results of the content analysis of dissertation research by Russian and foreign scientists devoted to the socio-pedagogical support of families raising a child with disabilities. The problems of raising children with disabilities are considered; the actual problems of interaction between a child, parents and an educational institution are described. Theoretical analysis. The article describes the methodology of the problem of accompanying the family of a child with disabilities.

Diachronic Approach to the Study of the Processes of Social-Psychological Adaptation of Personality

The paper analyzes the possibility of a diachronic approach to the study of the processes of socialization and social-psychological adjustment. In article offers a description of the unit of analysis, the determinants and criteria diachrony and synchrony in the adaptation of the individual and environment interactions. The article examines the role and the ratio of processes of unbalance and coordination in the system person – environment.

Principle of Diachrony in Study of Socialization

This article discusses the methodological foundation of the study of socialization of personality. Stresses the need for procedural analysis of levels of identity from the point of view of their social context. Expands the methodological principle of synchronic studies of socialization. Presents the contours system-synchronic approach to socialization.

Ethics of a Discourse as a Basis of Strategy of Socialization in the Globalized World

The problem of self-preservation of the vital world of the person does a problem of modernization of strategy of socialization especially actual. The reference to ethics of a discourse the expert, constructed on harmonious interaction of the separate individual and a global society opens prospect on working out, a substantiation and introduction social.

Multidimensionality of Modeling of Youth Socialization

The article analyzes methodological and theoretical reasons for construction of multidimensional model of socialization of young people. The author assumes that the methodological treatment of the categories of activity, communication and self-awareness allow for adequate measurement of the process of becoming a social individual. On this basis he identifies theoretical resources of social, political, synergistic and cybernetic models of young people socialization, proving the acceptability of the process of their synthesis in the multivariate model. 

Daily Life as a Basis of Institutionalization of Society

Daily life is considered as a fundamental component of the institutionalization process. The influences of such components as life experience, common sense, norms, and values on the formation of social interaction norms are analyzed. 

Features of adolescents’ value orientations with different levels of anxiety

Introduction. The variability of social guidelines of modern society determines the relevance of studying value orientations as an important moral component of the person. The purpose of the work is to study the value orientations of adolescents with different levels of anxiety. Theoretical analysis. The severity of anxiety in adolescents is related to the choice of certain value orientations. Adolescents with high levels of anxiety are more susceptible to the opinions of others and their value orientations are less stable and more useful.
