Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)


Сivilization Approach: Historical and Philosophical Analysis of the Methodological Resource

The article is devoted to the analysis of the methodological resource of the civilization approach at the modern stage of the historical process. Taking into account the categorical development of the concept of civilization, the author focuses on two groups of socio-cultural characteristics: unique and universal. The unique characteristic reflects the distinctive, special and original features of a certain historical type of society that is being studied in social and cultural aspects.

“The old burden” of subjectivity in criticism of L. Feuerbach and Junghegelianer

The article is devoted to the consideration of key aspects of the socio-political meaning and direction of the philosophical and theological doctrine of the Junghegelianer. The nomination of philosophy as the “mother of sciences”, combining the old metaphysics and new dialectic, to the center of the social “agenda” is explained both by internal reasons (split in the Hegel “school”, competition from positivism, renaissance of theological thought), and the impact of external factors.

The End of History: Factors and Methodological Parameters of the Conceptualization of the Idea

The article explores the problem of constructing concepts of the end of history. The author draws attention to the anthropogenic, social and historical factors of the emergence and increasing of interest to the topic of finiteness of the historical process. He notes its manifestation in eschatological intentions of theological comprehension and philosophical reflection of the meanings of completing the path of humanity from the past to the present.

In what Descartes Doubts?

The article considers the ontological systems of Descartes, namely his famous point of doubt. Following the instructions of Husserl, the author proposes to make a careful analysis of the traditional method of a thinker.