Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)


Formation of the National Culture-Educational Space: the Problem of the Inheritance of the Soviet Experience

In this article the analysis of the destination key point of the modern education is described and also the series of problems that take place in the national system of education and culture is disclosed. We pay attention to the role of the religion in the spiritual life of the society and we develop the problem of the ideological and spiritual content of the modern education. It is the formation of the national culture-educational space which is impossible without the rethinking of the positive and negative soviet experience that is underlined.

Reconstruction of the temporal foundations of everyday thinking in phenomenological sociology of A. Schutz

Introduction.The article is aimed at identifying the problematic place of temporal foundations of everyday life, formulated in the framework of phenomenological sociology. The concept of everyday life outlined by A. Schutz is based on the conceptual provisions of E. Husserl’s philosophy about the inner consciousness of time and A. Bergson, who distinguished the refl exive self and the vital unity of conscious processes.
