Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)


Forming of the Universal Key Competences: Psychological Aspect

Universal competence, as the structural element of key competences, considers as the integrative property of subject of training activity. It has determined four basic component of the universal key competence: motivational, cognitive, activity- communicative, reflexive. Dates components of universal competence are theoretically have investigated in the interrelation with the process of thinking.

Development of Thinking of the Subjects of Education in the Process of Studying of the Theory of Inventive Problems Solving

In this article the theoretical aspects of influence of the theory of Inventive Problems Solving (TRIZ) are stated as a new educational area of knowledge at the development of thinking of the subject of education. The main characteristics of system-logic thinking have been specialized. Criterions and levels of its development have been defined.