Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)


Career orientation “professional competence” as a factor in the successful mastery of the role of a doctor by medical students

Introduction. The article reflects the results of the study that made it possible to identify the connection between subjective personality traits and the severity of career orientation, manifested in the desire to improve their knowledge and skills in the chosen field among medical university students. The maturity of the studied career motivation can be an important factor determining the success of future doctors mastering role-related professional behavior. Theoretical analysis.

Intercommunication of the Value Orientations and the Career Preferences of the Cities and Countries Pupils

The article contains the results of empirical research in revealing of inter-functional communications between the value orientations and the career preferences; explores the structures of the value orientations of the seniors, leaving in the cities and countries districts; points out the general and the particular system forming values; examines the peculiarities of the career orientations in such excerpts.