Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

социальный порядок


В  работе  исследуется  социальный  порядок  революционного 
общества. На основе исторического опыта революций и иссле-
дователей  революционных  процессов  осуществляется  анализ 
тенденций и противоречий данного состояния социальной ди-
намики. Отмечаются ценностные трансформации: ценностный 
кризис, проявляющийся в пересмотре ценностных принципов 
предшествующего  порядка  –  девальвации,  сосуществует  с 
риск-тенденциями  ценностной  актуализации,  когда  ценности 

Social Relations of Animals in the Light of Sociobiology

Revealing of actually social attitudes between animals, and during too time, direct analogies of a human society to communities of representatives of fauna (as a rule, with insects and gregarious animals) is characteristic for modern sociobiology, science born on border between social philosophy and zoology. Hardly pertinently to build onelinear, rigid models of social evolution of the person or to base them on the analysis of behavior of primates or communities of hunters.

Ideological Violence and Formation of the Global Social Order

Everyone ideological acts as the form of violence over the person, and not only in a context of totalitarianism. Democracy though also it is accepted to oppose with it to totalitarianism as uses means of ideological violence, only in a little bit other forms. As a result of the updating of thinking made under influence of ideology, change not only political, not only its social characteristics, it changes on anthropological, even, on physiological levels. At the same time, crisis of ideology as system is observed.

Genealogy of Gender: Social and Philosophical Aspects

The paper is devoted to the socio-philosophical analysis of sex and gender with the help of the comparative historical method of genealogy in the unity of biological, social and symbolic dimensions. The origin, relevance and history of “male – female” relationships are analyzed. It reveals the complexity and multy-dimensionality of social reality including history and tradition, mythology and metaphysics. “Male” and “female” are understood as constitutive social ontological sources of the cultural picture of the world.