Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

дистанционное образование

The use of artificial intelligence techniques for distance learning

The article describes some practices of voice recognition technologies based on artificial intelligence to improve the educational process in a remote format. This is relevant to modern remote education environment. The author presents an analysis of existing approaches to the use of artificial intelligence technologies in the educational process. Elements of artificial intelligence in a specialist software make the educational process more modern and convenient both for the learner and the teacher.

Social and philosophical understanding of a human existence in the context of the coronavirus pandemic

The article provides a socio-philosophical analysis of the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on human existence. Various views on this phenomenon are considered, both positive, based on the belief in scientific and technological progress and the development of new nanobiomedical information and cognitive technologies, with the help of which the virus will be defeated, and negative, based on the prejudice of a global conspiracy and digital totalitarianism, of the degradation of humanity under the influence of new information technologies.