Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)



Статья посвящена историко-философскому анализу психоанали-
тичес кой теории Жака Лакана. Лакан – один из сложнейших мыс-
лителей XX века. Для большинства его теория неприемлема по 
причине не только ее высокой степени сложности, но и того, что 
эта теория затрагивает жесткую ограниченность автономии субъ-
екта в измерениях свободы и любви. В историко-философских 
тезисах  мы  хотим  показать  другую  возможную  интерпретацию 
идей Лакана, свободную от «обвинений» в патогенной ограничен-

Structuralism and Poststructuralism in the Philosophy of History

With the structuralizes and poststructuralists philosophy of history found in particular in the history of mentalities, a break is made for the first time with centuries-old essentialist tradition. Within the poststructuralist view of history, the goal is no longer integration, synthesis, and totality, but it is those historical scraps which are the center of attention.

The Eternal Recurrence of the Text: from Nietzsche to Post-structuralism

The article is devoted to influence of F. Nietzsche’s concept of history of philosophy on corresponding practice of poststructuralists like R. Bartes, J. Derrida, G. Deleuze in the history of philosophy field. The conceptual basis of the specified influence is shown through the significant for F. Nietzsche doctrine about Eternal Recurrence. However, the article discovers the aspect from a heritage of F. Nietzsche’s thought in the history of philosophy that missed by the postmodernists. It is the personal influence aspect.