Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)



В  статье  рассматриваются  особенности  современного  го-
родского  социокультурного  пространства.  Ставится  вопрос  о 
трансформации  ценностей  культурного  наследия  в  условиях 
преобладания  массовой  культуры  и  в  культурных  практиках 
игрофикации. На примерах из области городской скульптуры, 
трансляций оперных спектаклей на городских площадях, стра-
тегий  музеев  в  области  сувенирной  продукции  показано,  что 
в процессе получения коммерческой прибыли первоначальные 

The Definition of "Information Space" in Modern Social Philosophy

One of dangerous contradictions of an information epoch consists that, forming information space and providing its existence and development, the person simultaneously realizes that its biological existence is put in dependence on a level of development and speed of transformation of the information space playing an escalating role in a life of a modern society.

Laws of Transformation of the Mental Burning Out Condition at Pedagogical Workers in Aspect of Intraprofessional Differentiation

The article is devoted to research of laws of structurally-dynamic changes of mental burning out condition during its transformation in personal properties at pedagogical workers, irrespective of specificity of their professional work. Modern psycho diagnostic techniques methods of descriptive and comparative mathematical statistics are used in research. According to this approach structurally-dynamic change of the mental burning out condition, repeating in its each phase, we consider as law of transformation.