Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)



Статья  посвящена  проблеме  антропного  принципа,  его  пре-
дыстории  и  современным  формулировкам.  Связь  глобальных 
свойств Универсума с появлением и существованием человека 
отмечали на протяжении веков – с античности до наших дней 
(Аристотель, Д. Бруно, Б. Паскаль, А. Уоллес, А. Л. Зельманов, 
Г.  М.  Идлис  и  др.).  Современные  формулировки  антроп-
ного  принципа  и  его  модификаций  предложены  Б.  Карте-
ром  (сильный,  слабый,  самоотбора),  Дж.  Уилером  (участия), 

The City is Considered as Complex Synergetic Self- Organizing System

The city is considered as complex synergetic self-organizing system in which the historical, economic, sociopolitical ecological and other laws coherently operate, causing by the joint action existence of mechanisms of functioning of city in general.

Freedom and Responsibility in the Context of Consciousness Evolution: Synergetic Analysis

The main subject of the article includes the characteristics of the evolution of consciousness and culture in general from the standpoint of the synergetic philosophy of history exploring the evolution of complex socio-cultural systems, the processes of selforganization at the phenomena level (non-equilibrium, bifurcation) and at the level of essence (selection, super-selection).

Pedagogical support of increasing the level of self-organisation in students within a project by means of developing and implementing an individual educational trajectory

Increasing the level of self-organization and self-development competences is an urgent issue for students and graduates. The author considers applying a project method to be an effective way of developing self-organisation in students. However, it is very important to choose the type of a project which can ensure achieving the goal of increasing the level of self-organisation in learners. Individual practice-oriented long-term projects are viewed as the best option. On the basis of the research works analysis we single out three main stages of project activities.

Social Axiological Rhizome: the Zone of Risk Escalation

This article analyzes the axiological situation of the modern society. The author believes that the axiological foundation of the modern society has lost features of the system, but continues to be a holistic formation, homogeneous in nature, which is evolving non-linearly in different directions without having a single centre and multiple in nature. The most appropriate name for such formation is taken from postmodern philosophy, i.e rhizome. Besides, the paper also postulates that axiological rhizome determines riskogenics of the modern society.