Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

адаптационные стратегии


Проблема реабилитации и ресоциализации больных хрониче- скими соматическими заболеваниями и инвалидов требует рас- смотрения этого процесса в интегративном контексте различ- ных научных дисциплин: медицины, социологии, социальной и медицинской психологии. Одним из вариантов решения этой задачи является анализ ситуации болезни и личности инвалида с точки зрения представления о маргинальности. В статье рас- смотрена трансформация личностной ресурсности социальных предикторов ситуации болезни больных сахарным диабетом как без инвалидности, так и с ней.

Dependence of Family Coping on Individual Adaptation Strategies and Family Environment Characteristics

The problem of adaptation to difficult life situations is crucial for the current period of society development. The study of family coping as a support mechanism makes it possible to expand the understanding of adaptation mechanisms. The question of joint coping is connected with characteristics of social interaction, role behavior, degree of internality of the person, overcoming strategies. Cognition-based, emotion-based and behavior-based joint copings are distinguished.

Adaptative Strategies under the Conditions of Serious Disabling Disease as a Subjective Element of the Disease Situation

The article analyzes adaptive strategies of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis in terms of the author’s «disease situation» concept. The identified strategies are considered as aspects of the «disease situation» subjective element. The author examines the model of coping strategies, which is specific for patients with pulmonary tuberculosis, as a system of coping strategies contradictory in its functions, connected with the semantic refocusing of a person and the rejection of a new social identity of the disabled person.