Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)


The Force and Power of Technology: Too Much or Not Enough?

This article dwells upon a question of power and force aspects of technology as far as the existence of human is concerned. Problematization of the point of connection of equipment and human life will help research neither the political nor the institutional but the existential
meaning of power.

Ontological Incompleteness of the Human Being and the Theory of Consciousness

The article is devoted to the problem of incompleteness in a human life. Incompleteness is considered to be a chronical lack of something within the boundaries of self-identification. The concept of ontological incompleteness as a non-predeterminance of a
human being up to the wholeness is introduced. The understanding of incompleteness is explicated with the help of the theory of consciousness. Consciousness is represented as the several levels of psychic processes.

The Existence of Freedom by N. A. Berdyaev and L. I. Shestov: Comparative Analysis

The article deals with the problem of the religious nature of the existential philosophy of N. A. Berdyaev and L. I. Shestov. A comparative analysis of their concepts in relation to the Christian interpretation of freedom has been carried out. It is shown that the concept of freedom can be expressed not only by its own semantic meaning (semantics), but also be reflected in the intuitive experience of existential cognition. Thus, the substantial freedom in the personal perception of N. Berdyaev and L.

Problem of a Priori and the Humanities in L.Binswanger’s Existential Psychoanalysis

The article is devoted to consideration of the anthropological project of L. Binswanger. According to his conception before addressing to the research of pathology of any given individual, it is necessary to understand what it means to be the person. And, it follows that the psychiatry gets into a field of the human sciences. Binswanger makes an attempt to transfer the fundamental ontology of Heidegger on the field of psychoanalytic practice, aspiring to overcome the subject – objective opposition and to investigate perceptual existence of the person in the world.

Existential modes and their role in the modern perception of death

Introduction. The perception of death is inextricably linked with subjective experience, the feeling of the inevitability of this phenomenon. Theoretical analysis. Existential modes, such as fright, despair, fear, anxiety, actively studied in the corresponding philosophical trend, are the main aspects that determine this or that view on death in the context of personal experience of the phenomenon of the fi niteness of human existence.