Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

общественное сознание


В  статье  анализируется  феномен  мифологизации  истории 
в  его  взаимосвязи  с  представлениями  о  социальной  иден-
тичности,  существующими  в  общественном  сознании.  По-
средством  характеристики  основных  моделей  этих  пред-
ставлений эксплицируются трансформационные процессы в 
содержании  мифологем,  из  дискурса  которых  реализуется 
мифологическая интерпретация исторической событийности 
в доиндустиральном и индустриальном социумах. Доказыва-

Expert Communities in the Structure of Power Relations: on the Possibility of Manipulating Public Consciousness

The issues of the ability to manipulate social consciousness are extremely relevant and are in the field of interdisciplinary discussions. Different subjects, structures, organizations, institutes, able to manipulate social relations depending on the goals set are singled out. The actively discussed activity of expert communities as an institution partly responsible for the formation of social consciousness is due to a number of reasons. One of the main concerns is the association of the communities with the political forces and their partial dependence on them.

The Basic Question of Social Philosophy in the Mirror Modern Russian Reforms

The article deals with one of the important problems of social philosophy – the problem of the relation of social being and social consciousness. Using the conceptual framework of classical philosophy, the authors give a modern interpretation of the basic question of philosophy, and refers to the events in Russia of the late XX – early ХХI centuries. This is not by accident, since these events are truly momentous in its history. The article concludes that modernity confirms the importance and the actuality of the basic question of social philosophy.

Philosophical-Methodological Approaches to the Analysis of Co-Operation of Different Public Consciousness Forms

In the article genesis of public consciousness is presented as the motion from primary sinkretichnost through differentiation and polarization to the prospects of spirit forms’ integration. Research of public consciousness forms co-operation is possible within the framework of methodological approaches, based both on separate philosophical conceptions and studies and on general methodologies of scientific-cognitive activity.